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Quarterly Reports with practical information, devoted entirely to a single species. Focuses on techniques for raising, shaping, and care techniques along with tips and tricks from the Japanese Masters, written so that anyone can understand.

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ulmus parvifolia   4,00

Le genre Ulmus  comporte environ 30 espèces vivant habituellement  dans les zones tempérées boréales.

Rustiques, les ormes demandent cependant une bonne humidité ambiante, à l’exception des espèces asiatiques (pumila et parvifolia) qui s’accommodent assez bien de la sécheresse. Ces deux espèces, de croissance rapide, peuvent être utilisées pour des plantations urbaines où elles résistent bien  à la pollution.

Le bois de l’orme était très utilisé en charronnage du fait de sa dureté 

n° 38 serissa foetida   4,00
Bulletin THE SERISSA FOETIDA. Common name: snow of June, tree to the one thousand stars Family: rubiacées Kind: serissa Species: Foetida Original of Asia of the southeast, of China, of Taiwan, and also of Japan. Small bush of 1.50 to 2 meters of height to foliage semi obstinate, to the very fine branches, structural of the small simple, oval, opposite leaves, veined of 15 to 20 mm of length. One could compare it to a bush of at us, the spirée. His/her/its easiness of culture and flowering returns this species accessible to all, particularly interesting for the amateurs. Practically all styles can be creates in serissa: going from the moyogi to the yose-ue, kengai etc... The particularity of this species when one carves the leaves or the roots an odor of cabbages clears itself of it from where his/her/its name: foetida.
n° 37 juniperus rigida   4,00

the JUNIPERUS RIGIDA. Of a relatively comfortable culture this species asks however for one particular attention at the time of the size and the rempotage.

n° 36 - Premna japonica   4,00
Bulletin Family: Verbenacées Kind: Premna Feature : The Premna kind includes several species, the most known and the more used in bonsaï is the Premna japonica. Original of Japan one meets it at the wild state in the south of dyes it and of taiwan, the Premna japonica is a tree reaching a maximum height of two meters. The Premna named japonica (in Japanese nioi kaede) to wrong in French (maple of burger to fragrant wood), in English (acer buergerianum musk scented). His/her/its particular and very recognizable odor from where his/her/its name" to fragrant wood ". Small alternate leaves green, deciduous, brilliant of shape similar to the maple of burger, becoming yellow in fall. White flowers of one millimeter in clusters blooming during the summer leaving place to fruits of the size of a purplish peppercorn.
N° 35 - Ficus   4,00
Bulletin With the return of the beautiful days, we are going to treat a species particularly valued of the amateurs of Bonsaï who search for aestheticism and simplicity. It is not not for anything that in the world of the tree in pot, the Ficus holds a place of choice. The amateurs are passionately fond a lot for this tree who asks merely for the patience. The result is always guaranteed. The time permits to get some Bonsaïs often to the pace very rustic and exotic Besides it is a species that supports some gaps of care enough well. The Chinese people use it since so long in Bonsaï that he/it makes part the bottom of the daily landscape.
n° 34 - Cryptomeria   4,00
Bulletin Le Sugi est l’arbre national du Japon où il est planté à proximité des temples. Il n’est pas rare de voir des sujets majestueux ayant parfois 200 ans et plus dans les parcs ou jardins. Il existe au Japon une avenue de 65 km plantée uniquement de Cryptomeria. Au sud, sur l’île de Yakushima un sujet estimé à 7500 ans est toujours visible. Grâce à sa résistance, sa facilité de travail et la beauté de son bois, son utilisation principale aujourd’hui est la construction des maisons traditionnelles ainsi que la fabrication des cercueils.
n° 33 - Le rempotage des caduques.   4,00
Bulletin La saison idéale pour le rempotage se situe en général au printemps (plus ou moins de mi-février à fin mars), le moment le plus propice étant celui ou la plante commence à entrer en végétation et que s’opère le gonflement des bourgeons. La dernière limite : l’apparition des radicelles blanches qui sont fragiles et cassantes.
n° 32 - pinus pentaphylla   4,00

A complete card on the culture, the pinches and sizes of structure, but also the rempotage watering and fertilization. Descriptive of the main varieties utiliséees in bonsaï.

n° 31 - Gardenia   4,00
Bulletin The gardenia very appreciated in the orangeries and gardens since several centuries, is a family of bushes who is suitable to a lot of styles of bonsaï. His/her/its elegant aspect and especially his/her/its fragrant flowering, make a species of it that the amateur bonsaïstes especially searches for. His/her/its fast enough growth is a guarantee of success. His/her/its multiplication and his/her/its simple resumption make an ideal variety of it
n° 30 - Celtis   4,00
Bulletin The rare enough celtis in our gardens, is a pleasant culture species that is suitable to all styles of bonsaï, except cascade. His/her/its elegant and very decorative aspect will allow to a lot of to succeed the trees in a fast enough way with a result guarantee. His/her/its comfortable multiplication and his/her/its simple resumption make one of it advisable variety for the formation of aesthetic bonsaï and very robust.
n° 29 - Cotoneaster microphylla.   4,00
Bulletin The very widespread Cotoneaster in our gardens, is a very easy culture species that is suitable to all styles of bonsaï. His/her/its very decorative aspect allows the most unskilled of the beginners an assured success and relatively fast. His/her/its easy multiplication and his/her/its resumption assured in make one variety ideal for the very aesthetic bonsaï formation accessible to all.
n° 28 - Styrax japonica   4,00
Bulletin Unrecognized species and yet trés valued in Japan for the beautée of his/her/its flowering, his/her/its hues of fall and his/her/its peel. Of croissancerapide this species with his/her/its foliage of small size is suitable well ala formation of quality bonsaï.
n° 27 - Ribes sanguineum   4,00
Bulletin The groseillier (Ribes) is a bush of the family of the Grossulariacéeses. The kind includes about 150 species. All rustic they support some cold weathers until .15° celcius, or even lower. In pots, he/it agrees to protect the frost the roots whose radicelles is the most often neighboring of the side of the pottery. One can mention : If you want to form a beautiful topic to small edible fruits you should orient your choice toward the ribes rubrum or groseillier to fruits. You will find in nursery a very vast range of fructiferous hybrids, active yellow, white, red fruits and these plants are healthy and vigorous.
n° 26 - Punica granatum, grenadier   4,00
Bulletin The pomegranate tree (Punica granatum) is a fruit tree of the family of the Lythracéeses, cultivated since the highest Antique for his/her/its edible fruits: the pomegranates. Original of the Himalayas to the Mediterranean basin. Kind: Punica granatum His/her/its Japanese name: Zakuro, Punica granatum also marks named Sekiryu A variety 'nejikan' has the trunk that rolls up itself on him even naturally. In the Greek mythology, the pomegranate tree is Aphrodite's symbol in Cyprus. To the Middle Ages, he/it is the Virgin's attribute. To this time, medicine associated a curative property to a part of the human body, by resemblance.
n° 25 - Crataegus, aubépine   4,00
Bulletin Family: Rosacées Kind: Crataegus His/her/its Japanese name: Sanzashi (C. Cuneata). Original of the regions moderated of Europe, Asia and the East of North America, the Crataegus makes part of the group of the fruits to seeds of the family of the rose. The resemblance obvious of the fruits with midget apples is confirmed for the Mediterranean azerolier. The fruit of the azerolier carries the name of cenelle. Most species have long thorns inserted on the summery shoots and the jagged leaves or lobées.
n° 24 - Acer buergerianum, érable de burger part 2   4,00
Bulletin The acers asks for preference a slightly acidic soil draining and aired. The rempotage takes place in the spring, every year to every two years depending on whether the tree is young or aged, before the starting of the buds, end February, beginning March according to the region. For the acers imported from Japan he/it is counseled to use the Japanese volcanic earths either: three quarter of AKADAMA earth and a quarter of earth of KANUMA.
n° 23 - Acer buergerianum, érable de burger part 1   4,00
Bulletin Family: Acéracées. Kind: ACER Species: Acer buergerianum In Japanese this maple names itself: Kaede (pronounce Kaédé). Feature: leaves trilobées of 4 to 6-cm long. Including three extensively obvious ribs since their basis. The Acer buergerianum, is from Japan and the East of China. Among the aged subjects, the wrinkled peel, himself desquame in plates. We raise in our nurseries the following varieties, available to the sale, all capable to create bonsaï of character : ARAKAWA KAEDE to peel liégeuse, not reaching, far from there, the beauty of the peel of the palmatum arakawa. GOSHIKI KAEDE multicolored green cream-colored pink foliage that can reach 3 to 4 m of top HANACHIRU SATO red pink foliage
n° 22 - Diospyros kaki, kaki   4,00
Bulletin Family: Ebenacées Kind: Diospyros Kaki Named khaki, plaqueminier of China. Named in Japanese: khaki The khaki was introduced in Europe in 1796. To Japan, the fruits that contain about 20% of glucose are consumed cool with alcohol and sugar, they are also dried. Distilled, they produce water - of - life. The tannin contained in the fruits no arrived again to maturity is used for tanning and dye. Wood sped along of the khaki, named "khaki kouro" is used in woodwork as his/her/its near parent the ebony.
n° 21 - Pyracantha, buisson ardent   4,00
Bulletin Family: Rosacées Kind: Pyracantha Named in Japanese pyracan to pronounce "pilakan" where he/it has been introduced at the end of the XIX ème century. Distributed in moderate Asia and on the Mediterranean periphery, this kind unites 7 species. All form spiny shrubs, of 3 to 6 meters of height, cultivated for their obstinate foliage, usually green quick sheen, and for their red, yellow or orange bays, produced to profusion in fall. Foods but insipid, these are liked very of the birds. The vernal, gracious flowering but ephemeral, of small white flowers, grouped in corymbes all along the branches on two short spurs. Plants of moderate climate, the pyracanthas adjusts to nearly all soils. They fructify better in the sun, in one soil keeping his/her/its freshness by dry time, if the situation agrees to them, they naturalize themselves gladly to the point to become invading.
n° 20 - Taxus, if   4,00
Bulletin Family: Taxacées Kind: Taxus His/her/its Japanese name is : ICHII (pronounce itchi). His/her/its vernacular name: Yew Feature The Taxus kind includes about 10 species, very neighbors, living usually in the northern hemisphere. Very widespread once in Europe, the common yew (Taxus baccata) meets only rarely at the wild state. It is permissible to suppose that he/it was the subject of a systematic eradication on behalf of the breeders. Indeed, the totality of wood, foliage, the flowers and the fruits (but their outside envelope) contain a very toxic alkaloid: the "taxine." His/her/its absorption by the animals (cows, horses, etc.) drag their death inevitably. He/it agrees to look attentively after what your yew in bonsaï is inaccessible to the young children to avoid all problem.
n° 18 - Malus, pommier   4,00
Bulletin Family: Rosacées Kind: Penalty In Japanese HIME RINGO is the Penalty cerasifera MYAMA KAIDO is the penalty haliana The kind penalty, that he/it is fruit or of ornament, understands more two hundred species of trees or bushes. Spontaneous it is especially a plant of moderate zone. We won't keep here the apple trees to fruits, to dedicate us only to the survey of the ornament apple trees. One distinguishes thirty species of it about, repartees naturally from Asia in Europe, while passing by North America. The deciduous leaves, are notched, more rarely lobées, alternate.
n° 17 - Chaenomeles speciosa, cognassier à fleurs   4,00
Bulletin Family: ROSACEES Kind: Chaenomeles The Chaenomeles sinensis or pseudocydonia sinensis, our tree to quinces, called "KARIN" by the Japanese, made the survey of our n° 11. The Chaenomeles speciosa or japonica is a bush that we call quince fluently" to flowers of Japan ". The Japanese name it BOKE or" KARA BOKE ". His/her/its culture and his/her/its styles are different from those of the sinensis.
n° 16 - Corylopsis spicata, noisetier à fleurs   4,00
Bulletin Family : HAMAMELIDACEES Kind: Corylopsis spicata The Japanese name of the Corylopsis spicata is: Tosa mizuki FEATURE A dozen of species, all original of Asia, blooms, in small clusters, on wood, before the production of foliage, in the tones yellow primrose. The ovoid leaves are edged of small teeth ciliées, the obverse is green pale, the is over green bluish mat. Corylopsis spicata is a bush capable to reach 1,5 m high, of which the flowers yellow lemon slightly waxy, hang in clusters of 2 cm. Corylopsis pauciflora doesn't pass 1 m high, his/her/its flowers make clusters of 3 to 6-cm long.
n° 15 - Ginkgo biloba, arbre aux 40 écus   4,00
Bulletin Family: GINKGOACEES Kind: Gingko Species: biloba The Japanese name of the Gingko is: Ichoo The fuss icho" zizi of present baby" of the aerial roots along the trunk whose advantage is to give an aged character after the fall of the leaves. Plant gymnosperme, the Gingko biloba has often been considered like a deciduous conifer. Original of China, where he/it "names himself/itself yin-Kuo ". The Chinese and the Japanese grant to the Gingko the power to move away fire. He/it is true that at the time of the earthquake of 1923, that destroyed Tokyo practically, a gigantic fire ravaged the city with the exception of a temple that was surrounded with Gingko. Some think that a juice has been carrot preventing the propagation of fire.. ?
n° 14 - Prunus, prunier   4,00
Bulletin We can mention among the ornamental species : Malus baccata gracilis: 4/5 m., port pleureu, white flowers, enough small and red fruits. Malus baccata cheels weeping: 4/5 m., port whining, small fruits orange ropuge long enough persisting on the tree. Malus coccinea: 6/8 m., leaves purple tan, pink flowers, pink fruits. Malus coronarius charlottage: 4/6 m. pink flowers semi double perfumed, big fruits green clear, orange red foliage in fall.
n° 13 - Ilex, houx   4,00
Bulletin Family: AQUIFOLIACEES Kind: Ilex Vernacular name: holly The Ilex kind includes about 400 species, to obstinate or deciduous foliage, distributed in the moderate and tropical zones of the two hemispheres. One cultivates the species aquifolium practically only and especially serrata in bonsaï. Subdued" it" of the Brazilian is made with leaves of Ilex paraguanensis (holly of the paraguay). FEATURE The ilex is dioïque, characterized by trees to male flowers and trees to female flowers. A male foot can polleniser of seven to ten female feet. Holly produces naturally to his/her/its basis, many dismissals that it will be necessary to eliminate carefully at the time of his/her/its culture in bonsaï for the styles to unique trunk.
n° 12 - Fagus, hêtre   4,00
Bulletin Family: FAGACEES Kind: Fagus The Japanese name of the Fagus is: buna FEATURE The beech or fayard is the most widespread tree in France. The most known species is the Fagus sylvatica, capable to reach 30 to 40 m of height. His/her/its trunk is gray, smooth. The leaves of 5 to 10 cm, are smooth, green, brilliant and veined. They turn to the brown to the fall not to fall contrary to those of the majority of the deciduous trees (marcescence). The buds of spring are long, let's laugh and pointed. The Fagus sylvatica covers more than 10% of the French forest. His/her/its compact wood, resistant to the humidity, is used everywhere that it is in joinery or woodwork.
n° 11 - Pseudo-cydonia, cognassier à fruits   4,00
Bulletin Family: ROSACEES Kind: Chaenomeles The following species are to distinguish : Chaenomeles sinensis or Pseudocydonia sinensis, our tree to quinces (remember the doughs and frosts of quinces of our big mothers), is called "KARIN"; He/it was used like wood of heating in Korea. Chaenomeles speciosa or japonica is a bush to flowers called BOKE or" KARA BOKE ". Object of a next number, his/her/its culture and his/her/its styles being different.
n° 10 - Wisteria, glycine   4,00
Bulletin Family: legumes Kind: Wisteria Feature : Trailing plants to stem sarmenteuse, voluble, a lot of florifères in the spring, the wisterias regain the facades, arbors and pergolas procuring a shade that, without being dense, perfectly shelter ardors of the sun, cultivated also in pot, ferry, and on stem. Among about ten species of wisterias, we can mention the most known : Wisteria brachybotris or Wisteria venusta. She/it can reach 9 m high; his/her/its leaves are green dark of 30 to 40 cm of length, composed of 9 to 13 leaflets; his/her/its smelling flowers are white, stained of yellow, in hanging racèmes (clusters) of 15 cm about.
n° 9 - Carpinus , charme   4,00
Bulletin Family: Bétulacées. Kind: Carpinus Common name: charm Feature : The Carpinus kind includes more of forty deciduous tree species original of the forests of Europe, Asia and north America. The most known in France is the Carpinus betulus, common in the forests and very used for the confection of rustic hedges. His/her/its height is located between 10 to 15 meters. The leaves are embossed slightly with jagged sides, active according to the species of 3 to 15 centimeters. Green to aim in the spring, they turn brown at the end of the fall. The majority of foliage remains on the tree until the apparition in the spring of the new buds that are going to hunt the dry leaves.(marcescence).
n° 8 - Larix, mélèze   4,00
Bulletin Family: Pinacées Kind: Larix Feature : The Larix consists of 18 species distributed in the boreal hemisphere, as well as in the mountains in altitude. This is how the Larix decidua is natural in the Alps (Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland in the valley of the Engadine notably); he/it is now naturalized practically in the Pyrenees. Of pyramidal shape, he/it can reach for the most beautiful topics 35 meters of height, this one being located however the most often around 25 meters.
n° 7 - Lespedeza, potentilla, spirea   4,00
Bulletin Family: Rosacées Kind: Spirea Feature: the Spirea kind includes 80 species and rustic varieties to deciduous and alternate leaves, to the orange brown peel. The more used in bonsaï are : - Spirea japonica (in Japanese Shimotsuke) - Spirea cantoniensis (in Japanese Ko demari) The spirées will be exposed right in the sun. They are used extensively in the parks and gardens. Of their size is consisted between 30 cm and 2 m. The color of flowering goes from the pure white to the yellow to stretch, rose, red, crimson, white duplicates, Spirea 'Golden princess' to a yellow foliage to stretch ; Spirea 'thumbergii aurea' a golden foliage
n° 6 - Stewartia monadelpha   4,00
Bulletin Family: Ternstroemiacées Kind: Stewartia Feature : The Stewartia kind includes several species, the most known and the more used in bonsaï is the Stewartia monadelpha. Other species Stewartia sinensis (smelling flowering); Stewartia serrata; Stewartia ovata (bushy port). Original of Japan, the Stewartia is a big tree reaching about ten height meters. The wild species is the Issai stewartia (in Japanese shimeshara), to small leaves. His/her/its peel, very fine, brown orange, himself desquame. It is not necessary to confound it with the Stéwartia pseudo-camellia (in Japanese natsu tsubaki) to the gray peel similar to the one of the camellia from where his/her/its name.
n° 5 - Zelkova serrata, orme de sibérie   4,00
Bulletin Family: Ulmacées Kind: Zelkova Feature : The Zelkova kind includes several species, the most known and the more used in bonsaï is the Zelkova serrata. In Japan it is, as in Kyoto, a tree of alignment, to the port a few similar to the poplar of which he/it recalls the silhouette. In Europe, one cultivates the Zelkova carpinifolia (10 to 15 m), toothed leaves ; Zelkova pendula (10 to 15 m), whining port ; Zelkova sinica (15 to 20 m) whose peel exfoliates in plates to the adult age; Zelkova verschaffeltii (8 to 10 m) of bushy shape to small leaves; Zelkova goblin (1 m to 1 m 20) in ball. The wood of the Zelkova to the very thin grain, similar to the one of the boxtree is used in joinery and woodwork in Japan.
n° 4 - Rhododendrons satsuki (suite)   4,00
Bulletin To Japan, the azaleas carry the pretty name of satsuki, what means five moons, equivalent to May June in the lunar calendar. They are cultivated since more of three hundred years and are used extensively in the gardens; and they are raised traditionally in bonsaï to 150 km in the north of Tokio in the city of Kanuma, capital of the satsuki.
n° 3 - Rhododendrons satsuki   4,00
Bulletin To Japan, the azaleas carry the pretty name of satsuki, what means five moons, equivalent to May June in the lunar calendar. They are cultivated since more of three hundred years and are used extensively in the gardens; and they are raised traditionally in bonsaï to 150 km in the north of Tokio in the city of Kanuma, capital of the satsuki.
n° 2 - Acer palmatum, érable palmé (suite)   4,00
Bulletin SIZE (CONTINUATION) SIZE OF SPRING At the time of the formation of the even first of leaves one will do the size of spring. Running April, a stem is going to develop itself between these two leaves, one must cut it. Following this size, to the basis of each of the remaining leaves are going to be born of the buds that will give future branches. SIZE OF SUMMER BEGINNING This size will take place current June, the stems that are developed themselves since the spring will be to recut according to the principle of the size of spring, but while keeping a pair of supplementary leaves. While taking account of aesthetics wanted of your bonsaï
n° 1 - Acer palmatum, érable palmé   4,00
Bulletin FAMILY: ACÉRACÉES. Genus: ACER Feature: leaves of three to seven lobes. The ACER kind regroups very numerous species, more of 900 varieties and cultivars. If you have a garden of pleasure, an acer is planted there certainly. You know the maples of garden (ACER PLANE), the maple of Montpellier (acer montpessulanum), the palmate maple (acer palmatum) and of course the maple of burger (acer buergerianum). The topic is so vast that we will be content to approach the usable Japanese acers to form some bonsaï and interesting for their silhouette and their port

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